About Us

Headbunny Games are a team of enthusiastic gamers who love playing tabletop, DnD and board games.  We are quite techy too and got into 3D printers to print models for our games.  And then more models... and more models until we had to start selling them or run out of space!  We choose and print the models that we like and think would be great terrain or miniatures that we could use.

We work with several designers whose work we really rate - great designs and quality print structures.  We make sure we are fully licensed to print all the models on our site and that all designers get the recognition (and commission!) they deserve for their work.  Check out our Designers page for more info about these guys.

We also own and create a skirmish tabletop rule set called 'FAD' (Fast and Dirty).  It has a large community support and is ever evolving so if you are interested, check out FADWARGAME.COM

We also manage The Tabletop Gaming Directory, which is a simple site that we built to help manage all the miniature and terrain suppliers that we've used in our gaming over the years.  It's a handy resource which makes it easier to search for a particular model, scale or theme.  You can recommend new suppliers and leave comments on suppliers you have used.